Municipal solid waste landfill

Municipal solid waste landfill is a site for domestic day-to-day waste disposal. It is also known as a tip, rubbish dump, dumping ground, etc.

Material stored at solid waste landfill is isolated from the environment by a sealing layer which can be HDPE or LDPE or even PVC geomembrane. If such geomembrane leaks, the contaminant from the landfill spreads in the direction of the groundwater flow. This way it can reach long distances and contaminate the environment for a long time. Such contamination can cause health problems people using contaminated water.

For that purpose we have developed permanent monitoring system SENSOR DDS® LMS which warns us when a leak in geomembrane occurs so it can be repaired before any harm to the environment is done.


General project info:

  • Domestic waste landfill
  • Area of 25 000m²
  • SENSOR DDS® LMS system installed
  • Sensor grid 5x5m (leak resolution cca 25m²)
  • 1 000 sensors and 120 km of cable used
  • Single geomembrane HDPE 2.0mm

Landfill design cross section (from bottom to top):

  • Compacted clay 50 cm
  • SENSOR DDS® FIXED components 5x5m
  • HDPE 2.0mm Geomembrane
  • Protective geotextile
  • Drainage layer – gravel
  • Solid domestic waste
Landfill design cross section

At this site we have applied our standard SZLP (Sensor Zero Leakage Philosophy) which means that apart from permanent leak monitoring system installation we have been monitoring the whole landfill construction process consisting of:

  • SENSOR DDS® FIXED – buried components installation in grid of 5x5m
  • SENSOR DDS® MIT – survey straight after geomembrane installation to locate any pinholes made during installation or transport of geomembrane
  • SENSOR DDS® Mobile – dipole survey after installation of drainage, protective layer to locate any damage which could occur during placing overliner onto the geomembrane
  • First geomembrane integrity control using installed permanent offline SENSOR DDS® LMS system on site

Permanent monitoring system SENSOR DDS® was installed on this project in 2013. Below the liner we installed sensors in grid of 5x5m which gives us leak resolution of around 25m². After installation of geomembrane we applied bare liner testing using our Arc Tester – SENSOR DDS® MIT Arctester.

The most damage was identified after installation of protective drainage layer where we located 15 faults of geomembrane using portable testing device for covered geomembrane – SENSOR DDS® Mobile.

We monitor this waste landfill once in 12 months with our portable measuring device SENSOR DDS® LMS.

Geomembrane Integrity Monitoring system

A few photos from a landfill site

Every sensor is connected to a monitoring centre via its own cable for best quality possible.

When SENSOR DDS® sensors and geomembrane are installed, we test overall integrity using Arc Tester on bare geomembrane.

Sensor grid 5x5m was used at this landfill project with SENSOR DDS® FIXED.

Le panneau de commande de SENSOR DDS® est testé pour la connectivité et la première mesure est effectuée.

Dommage typique (coupure) de la géomembrane PEHD identifié par le testeur d’arc SENSOR DDS® MIT .

La géomembrane d’étanchéité est exposée au plus grand risque lors de la mise en place des 4 premiers mètres de déchets.

After 4m layer of waste, we monitor geomembrane integrity yearly using SENSOR DDS® LMS system, and 24/7 with SENSOR DDS®RMS.

At leachate lagoons we test integrity of the liner usually twice a year in case of offline SENSOR DDS® LMS system.